This could possibly be one of the best pedals ever made. It comes with True Bypass and a mode switch that allows you to switch between Overdrive and Distortion, this gives you two very different pedals in the same unit.
The only problem is, that many of the parts used to construct this pedal are of poor quality, this renders the Frequency and Contour controls almost useless.
The stock unit ships with three TL072 chips which always sound lifeless and regressive. It also uses 1N4148 diodes in its Distortion mode and Red LEDs in its Overdrive mode. Whilst the Overdrive mode can sound quite good with some tweaking, the Distortion mode is weak and boring. No amount of EQ or contour can help this mode. As a result, most people simply never use it.
At Von Lehmann Engineering, we started by replacing the three TL072 chips with three ‘Red Demon’ chips, this really brought the JH-1 back to life, increasing the volume and minimizing the noise.
Then we replaced the boring 1N4148 diodes and Red LEDs, giving the pedal two very different sounding modes of distortion. This turned the Jackhammer JH-1 pedal into a Distortion Monster with enough gain to make Linda Blair’s head spin.
We also replaced all the inferior parts with the highest quality available and reconfigured the EQ stages. This increases the volume and opens up the pedal to new tonal possibilities that spans from ‘Subtle Blues’ to ‘Extreme Death Metal’.
lunedì 29 dicembre 2008
DS-1 Distortion Mods By Keeley
BOSS DS-1 Distortion Mods By Keeley Effects The SEEING EYE MOD
These are the mods that we have come up with. Mostly they try to give the pedal a more high fidelity sound and make it a little more tube like by use on one LED in the clipping section instead of two (commonly seen as a mod). We use metal film caps available from
C1, C5, C12change to 0.1uF metal film (104) C2, C8, C9, C14 change to 1uF metal film (105) C7 220pf silver mica or monolithic
In the DS-Ultra mod we change C11 to a 0.047uF metal film or better and lower R13 to 2.4Kohm. As well as changing C3 and C13 to 0.1Uf metal film or better.
D5 change to 3mm red led (the power LED that we take out!) In the D-Ultra mod we switch in another LED in series with D4.
R39 20K R14 1.5K R35 2.4K if you change the power LED to a 5mm Yellow LED
Add 47pf cap across clipping diodes, see second picture little green dot in the center. 7/64 drill bit needed to drill out 3mm LED for the SEEING EYE PART!
These are the mods that we have come up with. Mostly they try to give the pedal a more high fidelity sound and make it a little more tube like by use on one LED in the clipping section instead of two (commonly seen as a mod). We use metal film caps available from
C1, C5, C12change to 0.1uF metal film (104) C2, C8, C9, C14 change to 1uF metal film (105) C7 220pf silver mica or monolithic
In the DS-Ultra mod we change C11 to a 0.047uF metal film or better and lower R13 to 2.4Kohm. As well as changing C3 and C13 to 0.1Uf metal film or better.
D5 change to 3mm red led (the power LED that we take out!) In the D-Ultra mod we switch in another LED in series with D4.
R39 20K R14 1.5K R35 2.4K if you change the power LED to a 5mm Yellow LED
Add 47pf cap across clipping diodes, see second picture little green dot in the center. 7/64 drill bit needed to drill out 3mm LED for the SEEING EYE PART!
DS-1 Distortion Mods By Keeley
sabato 27 dicembre 2008
This sadly discontinued stomper is truly one of the greats and deserves a re-issue! Despite being be out of production for a number of years, this unit has always enjoyed a rabid and enthusiastic following. Typical gain and output knobs handle distortion amounts while a treble, bass, and a contour knob take care of tonal duties. The Shredmaster was alway billed as a Marshall in a box, and while this is true at some settings, the scope and range of this pedal goes far beyond than that. Mellow settings recall the glory days of Bluesbreaker-era Clapton while extreme setting pull off Radiohead-like crunch. Split the difference and you'll hear shades of everything from singing sustain of Gary Moore to the valvey bite of My Bloody Valentine. The housing is thick and sturdy and the knobs are nice and tacky. We seen a few sticky switches on a few of these old Marshalls but we always brought them back to life with a little contact cleaner.
One of the all-time classic overdrive/distortion units. Like the Tube Screamer or the MXR Distortion Plus, The Rat lays claim to it's own raunchy sonic territory that no one else can touch. Versatilty is the Rat's strong point. Backed off, the Rat cleans up nicely and breezes through chords with a light crunch while single note solo sing with a hint of grit. Pushed to the max, the Rat goes beyond fuzz with a shred-like sizzle that sustains for days. Tweaking is the key to finding your own take on the Rat sound. The Filter knob is has far reaching possibilities and you can effectively eliminate any hint of low or high-end with a twist in either direction. Our two favorite settings captured the raspy valve-crunch of the early Kinks and the saturated squash of Catherine Wheel with amazing accuracy. Quite a contrasting study in sound, but a nice example of the Rat's amazing range.
One of the coolest noisemakers ever made. The unit is basically a Boss DS-1 Distortion with a built-in tracking oscillator circuit that hold the last note you played before activating the feedback function (holding the pedal down). This lo-fi effect allows you to capture everything from droney feedback to synth-like string sounds. This infinite sustain, although basic, is very similar to what you'd get from using an Ebow or Sustainer System. The regular distortion circuit is a fairly smooth affair with a wide range of tonal possibilities that's quite capable of nailing most middle of the road overdrive and distortion flavors. The DF-2 went through a few subtle name changes over it's 10 year production run (Super Distortion & Feedbacker to Super Feedbacker & Distortion) Whatever the name, we think it's super for both distortion and feedback!
venerdì 26 dicembre 2008
Big Muff with Tone Wicker
Big Muff with Tone Wicker
Electro-Harmonix did it again! Introducing another original innovation for the discerning guitarist and musician…
The Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker is a great distortion/sustainer pedal that will remind you of the classic Pi with new capabilities. The distortion out of this box will expand your tonal palette to new areas. Freedom to flick the switches will result in a sonic assault onto your amp and audience.
The classic Big Muff has three buffered filter locations that roll off some of the higher frequency distortion. This is one of the components that give the Big Muff its smooth violin-like sustaining sound. This is preserved in the new Tone Wicker model and a new switch is provided that can defeat all three of these roll-offs. This gives the Big Muff a more slicing, gutsy tone, while still preserving its famous super-long sustain.
The second option is another switch position that completely bypasses the tone control. This flat response opens a much fuller, richer tone that guitarists love.
Electro-Harmonix did it again! Introducing another original innovation for the discerning guitarist and musician…
The Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker is a great distortion/sustainer pedal that will remind you of the classic Pi with new capabilities. The distortion out of this box will expand your tonal palette to new areas. Freedom to flick the switches will result in a sonic assault onto your amp and audience.
The classic Big Muff has three buffered filter locations that roll off some of the higher frequency distortion. This is one of the components that give the Big Muff its smooth violin-like sustaining sound. This is preserved in the new Tone Wicker model and a new switch is provided that can defeat all three of these roll-offs. This gives the Big Muff a more slicing, gutsy tone, while still preserving its famous super-long sustain.
The second option is another switch position that completely bypasses the tone control. This flat response opens a much fuller, richer tone that guitarists love.
martedì 23 dicembre 2008
Very thanks " 2008 " by Jean Paul Agnesod
Very thanks " 2008 "
My space 12414 friends... thanks all !!!
Jean Paul Agnesod
" Rock on " instrumental Guitar CD
Jean Paul Agnesod
" Metropolis " instrumental Guitar CD
Guitar Methods
Guitar Method - Rock & Heavy 20 exercises
Guitar Method - Tapping & Hammer On
Downloadable version. Guitar Method
Guitar pedals setup 2005 - 2008
and more....!!!
Jean Paul Agnesod
My space 12414 friends... thanks all !!!
Jean Paul Agnesod
" Rock on " instrumental Guitar CD
Jean Paul Agnesod
" Metropolis " instrumental Guitar CD
Guitar Methods
Guitar Method - Rock & Heavy 20 exercises
Guitar Method - Tapping & Hammer On
Downloadable version. Guitar Method
Guitar pedals setup 2005 - 2008
and more....!!!
Jean Paul Agnesod
Very thanks " 2008 " by Jean Paul Agnesod
After a long absence, Electro-Harmonix jumped back into production with this army green Big Muff Russian-made re-issue. While it’s not an exact sound-a-like to the classic Muffs of yesteryear, this one stands up fairly well. You’ll still get that warm singy sustain with an overdose of harmonics, but this one falls a little short in terms of overall musicality and dynamics. If you’ve had the pleasure of playing through an original, or the USA reissues, you’ll get the picture. The plastic input and output jacks don’t exactly instill confidence so be sure to baby this thing onstage or in transit. The stomp switch is huge and easy to find on dark stages but may take some getting used to as it only engages the effect as you are lifting OFF of the switch. With those small gripes, it’s still a fantastic deal at around $50.00, just do a little demoing before actually buying.
Modern day distortion converts may associate this box with the buzz-saw crunch of bands like The Smashing Pumpkins and Dinosaur Jr but the classic Big Muff sound IS the the sound of the 70s. From that midly distorted Satana-like sustain to the flat wooly fuzz of Thin Lizzy, this box practically defined the guitar sound of a decade. It’s an unmistakable sound with its’ rich harmonic overtones, string-like sustain, and “she’s breaking up” quirkiness. Numerous versions of Silver Box Big Muff PI exist in the form of the older Series 1, Series 2, Series 3 models all the way to the newer NYC Re-issues. The overall sound, components, and quality vary a bit from version to version so shop around for one that suits your style. Also be sure to take the time to fine tune the Big Muff, as it can produce everything from boomy low-end to bee-swarm treble and everything in between.
Billed as a ?ĺContemporary Chorus?Ĺ, this Boss unit seems to either hated or loved by chorus freaks out there. While it?Ĵs doesn?Ĵt have nearly as much warm personality as the older Boss CE-1 or CE-2 chorus units, it?Ĵs still a pretty decent pedal that provides a very light, transparent, and watery sounding chorus. I?Ĵm sure 80?Ĵs cover bands, R n?Ĵ B types, and sensitive new agers will dig the pristine sounds of the CH-1. It really does seems to perform best when played through bright amps and clean guitars. The addition of an EQ knob racks up a few bonus points for tonal manipulation and should appeal to the all-around gigger. Because of it?Ĵs ultra smooth sound, we?Ĵve seen the CH-1 in many keyboardists rigs over the years. This goes without saying, but running the CH-2 in stereo is a true treat and should impress even the most jaded gear snobs.
Boss DD-3 Digital Delay - The DD-3 is by far the most popular digital delay box in all of pedal history. I?Ĵd go so far as to say its?Ĵ pristine delays have been repeated on more stages than any other echo device. This box is everything you?Ĵd expect from a hard-working digital delay unit. You?Ĵll get super clean repeats with no coloration, perfect decays, and enough delay times to create everything from short ?ĺbathroom wall?Ĺ slapbacks to long cascading patterns. The same 3 “easy-as-pie” parameters you?Ĵll find on most Boss delays is here: delay time, feedback, and level. There is also a fourth “mode” knob that adjusts the delay time range and also switches the unit into “hold” (infinite repeat) mode for sampling snippets of solos or riffs. For an all-around delay box you can?Ĵt really go wrong with the DD-3 unless, of course, your expecting it to sound like an analog delay.
Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive - This classic overdrive has been in the Boss lineup since the early days and continues to impress players everywhere. This SD-1’s realistic crunch and aggressive bite sounds like a meaner Tube Screamer yet still maintains sonic stability while strumming through complex chords or busting out double note work. The best thing about theSuper Overdrive is the wide range of drive adjustment. Cranked to the absolute limit, this will take you to the edge of tube-like disintegration but also rolls off to give you nothing but a clean boost. You can’t get much more versatile than that in our overdriven minds. We’ve sampled the earlier models of the SD-1 and haven’t noticed a bit of difference between them and the newer models. With all the fancy fuss over boutique overdrives these days, it’s nice to know you can pick up a pedal for under $50.00 and get down to business.
lunedì 22 dicembre 2008
This cute orange pedal has been in steady production since 1978 and I can certainly see why. It?Ĵs definitely one of the more versatile rock and roll gadgets ever made. I?Ĵve seen these on the pedals boards of jazz guys, punk rockers, blues hounds, metal heads, and it never ceases to amaze me how different this pedal can sound through ever single rig. The DS-1 has a incredible range of sound and with a bit of knob turning can coaxed from a clean boost all the way to molten metal. The DS-1?Ĵs ability to transform itself to suit many styles has made it a very appealing box for the likes of Nirvana, Ride, and Joe Satriani. As with a lot of Boss pedals, try seeking out a the earlier Japanese models as they are considerably smoother sounding than the later, transistorized sounding, Tawainese models.
Jean Paul Agnesod Discography
2 Instrumental guitar CDs (2008)
Metropolis (aviable online on itunes, Cd baby, amazon, ... )
Rock on (aviable online on itunes, Cd baby, amazon, ... )
1 CD With Section 9 (2007)
Section 9 - 2007 (aviable online on Multimati)
1 Instrumental guitar CD (2006)
Mozart Anniversary - 2006
1 CD with Contramal (2006)
8 CDs with Dies irae (1997-2005)
Vivere forse sognare
Cavalcata sulle nubi
Great wave (aviable online on Multimati)
Touch (aviable online on Multimati)
Ultimo sogno (aviable online on Multimati)
Wha wha (aviable online on Multimati)
Dies Irae (aviable online on Multimati)
Canzoni (aviable online on Multimati)
Ultimo sogno (single) (aviable online on Multimati)
2 CDs - Atmosphere - Ambient Music (1999)
Rex Mundi
2 Instrumental guitar CDs (2008)
Metropolis (aviable online on itunes, Cd baby, amazon, ... )
Rock on (aviable online on itunes, Cd baby, amazon, ... )
1 CD With Section 9 (2007)
Section 9 - 2007 (aviable online on Multimati)
1 Instrumental guitar CD (2006)
Mozart Anniversary - 2006
1 CD with Contramal (2006)
8 CDs with Dies irae (1997-2005)
Vivere forse sognare
Cavalcata sulle nubi
Great wave (aviable online on Multimati)
Touch (aviable online on Multimati)
Ultimo sogno (aviable online on Multimati)
Wha wha (aviable online on Multimati)
Dies Irae (aviable online on Multimati)
Canzoni (aviable online on Multimati)
Ultimo sogno (single) (aviable online on Multimati)
2 CDs - Atmosphere - Ambient Music (1999)
Rex Mundi
Jean Paul Agnesod Discography
domenica 21 dicembre 2008
domenica 14 dicembre 2008
Fender University is an exclusive new music education program for guitar enthusiasts worldwide. The program offers exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to Fender’s manufacturing headquarters and world renowned Fender Custom Shop, in addition to a series of music workshops, hands-on educational experiences, performance opportunities and special guest appearances. Enrollment is limited to 25 guitar and bass scholars worldwide and is open to players of all skill levels and musical styles over the age of 21. Join us in this exciting and unique opportunity to share in the legacy of Fender through a hands-on, direct experience with our products and our people by enrolling now…
Fender University is an exclusive new music education program for guitar enthusiasts worldwide. The program offers exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to Fender’s manufacturing headquarters and world renowned Fender Custom Shop, in addition to a series of music workshops, hands-on educational experiences, performance opportunities and special guest appearances. Enrollment is limited to 25 guitar and bass scholars worldwide and is open to players of all skill levels and musical styles over the age of 21. Join us in this exciting and unique opportunity to share in the legacy of Fender through a hands-on, direct experience with our products and our people by enrolling now…
mercoledì 10 dicembre 2008
lunedì 8 dicembre 2008
Annunci di Strumenti Musicali su
Annunci gratuiti per la compravendita di strumenti musicali usati. Ricerca di musicisti e gruppi, offerte di servizi e collaborazioni.
The guitar and bass rig database. GuitarGeek.Com interviews your favorite guitar and bass players and features their stage rigs in detailed diagrams.
Bando di Concorso Italia Wave band e Elettrowave Challenge 2009
Aperte le iscrizioni per i nuovi bandi di concorso della Fondazione Arezzo Wave Italia dedicati alle band e agli artisti digitali emergenti!
Avrai la possibilità di esibirti dal vivo nei migliori locali live e nei club più importanti di tutta Italia durante le oltre 150 serate organizzate dallo staff di Italia Wave Network!
In palio la partecipazione a Italia Wave Love Festival e Elettrowave Future Love Festival 2009, due giorni di registrazione gratuita in studio, strumenti musicali, premi in denaro e i titoli di Best ITALIA WAVE BAND 2009, Best DJ PRODUCERS, Best VJ PERFORMER, Best AUDIO/VIDEO PROJECT!
NOVITA’: per tutti gli iscritti al concorso attivazione e 6 mesi di profilo gratuito sulla piattaforma digitale SONICBIDS, il più grande network on-line per chi fa musica!!
SCADENZA: 15 gennaio 2009
Avrai la possibilità di esibirti dal vivo nei migliori locali live e nei club più importanti di tutta Italia durante le oltre 150 serate organizzate dallo staff di Italia Wave Network!
In palio la partecipazione a Italia Wave Love Festival e Elettrowave Future Love Festival 2009, due giorni di registrazione gratuita in studio, strumenti musicali, premi in denaro e i titoli di Best ITALIA WAVE BAND 2009, Best DJ PRODUCERS, Best VJ PERFORMER, Best AUDIO/VIDEO PROJECT!
NOVITA’: per tutti gli iscritti al concorso attivazione e 6 mesi di profilo gratuito sulla piattaforma digitale SONICBIDS, il più grande network on-line per chi fa musica!!
SCADENZA: 15 gennaio 2009
arezzo wave,
italia wave,
sabato 6 dicembre 2008
L’idea di fondo della manifestazione è quella di fare incontrare per un giorno, in un contesto reale e non più solo virtuale, persone o gruppi di persone che appartengono alle rete MySpace in Valle d’Aosta. Hai uno spazio su Myspace? Hai sempre voluto conoscere “nel mondo reale “ quella persona che tutti giorni vedi on line? Se non ti connetti almeno una volta al giorno provi un leggero malessere interiore? Senti l’assurda esigenza di far conoscere il tuo stato di umore a perfetti sconosciuti dall’altra parte del mondo? Sei un veterano di MySpace e ti piacerebbe essere premiato per questo? Utilizzi Facebook, e quindi di Myspace non ti interessa più di tanto, ma hai voglia di passare una giornata divertente in compagnia di altre persone ? Allora sei invitato a MuhuuSpace!!! IL PRIMO RADUNO VALDOSTANO DEL MONDO MYSPACE. Domenica 7 Dicembre dalle 15 fino a chiusura presso il Gekoo in Piazza Chanoux ad Aosta. Per info:
L’idea di fondo della manifestazione è quella di fare incontrare per un giorno, in un contesto reale e non più solo virtuale, persone o gruppi di persone che appartengono alle rete MySpace in Valle d’Aosta. Hai uno spazio su Myspace? Hai sempre voluto conoscere “nel mondo reale “ quella persona che tutti giorni vedi on line? Se non ti connetti almeno una volta al giorno provi un leggero malessere interiore? Senti l’assurda esigenza di far conoscere il tuo stato di umore a perfetti sconosciuti dall’altra parte del mondo? Sei un veterano di MySpace e ti piacerebbe essere premiato per questo? Utilizzi Facebook, e quindi di Myspace non ti interessa più di tanto, ma hai voglia di passare una giornata divertente in compagnia di altre persone ? Allora sei invitato a MuhuuSpace!!! IL PRIMO RADUNO VALDOSTANO DEL MONDO MYSPACE. Domenica 7 Dicembre dalle 15 fino a chiusura presso il Gekoo in Piazza Chanoux ad Aosta. Per info:
Il sito permette di registrarsi e pubblicare la propria musica, avere una pagina utente personale con cui contattare gli altri, leggere e commentare recensioni, commentare e votare brani, pubblicare annunci nel nostro jam market ecc...
Prossimamente sarà possibile fare jam on line sul sito... ovvero gli utenti potranno suonare in diretta tra loro. Esempio un utente di Milano che suona la chitarra potrà suonare sul sito con un utente di Roma che suona il basso come se fossero fianco a fianco!!!
Ed inoltre abbiamo pubblicato un concorso a premi! tramite alcuni sponsor offriremo premi in strumenti musicali alle canzoni che avranno ottenuto il maggior numero di click o le votazioni piu' alte da parte degli utenti! Come premio iniziale abbiamo 2 pedalini distorsori della RAT http://www. ratdistortion. com/index. htm del valore di 100 Euro ognuno.
Ed per finire il nostro forum raggiungibile direttamente dalla nostra home page!
P.s. I brani sul nostro sito non possono assolutamente essere scaricati ma soltanto ascoltati in streaming on line.
Il copyright ed la proprietà intellettuale dei brani caricati on line rimangono esclusivamente a favore del gruppo/artista che pubblica il brano!
Il sito permette di registrarsi e pubblicare la propria musica, avere una pagina utente personale con cui contattare gli altri, leggere e commentare recensioni, commentare e votare brani, pubblicare annunci nel nostro jam market ecc...
Prossimamente sarà possibile fare jam on line sul sito... ovvero gli utenti potranno suonare in diretta tra loro. Esempio un utente di Milano che suona la chitarra potrà suonare sul sito con un utente di Roma che suona il basso come se fossero fianco a fianco!!!
Ed inoltre abbiamo pubblicato un concorso a premi! tramite alcuni sponsor offriremo premi in strumenti musicali alle canzoni che avranno ottenuto il maggior numero di click o le votazioni piu' alte da parte degli utenti! Come premio iniziale abbiamo 2 pedalini distorsori della RAT http://www. ratdistortion. com/index. htm del valore di 100 Euro ognuno.
Ed per finire il nostro forum raggiungibile direttamente dalla nostra home page!
P.s. I brani sul nostro sito non possono assolutamente essere scaricati ma soltanto ascoltati in streaming on line.
Il copyright ed la proprietà intellettuale dei brani caricati on line rimangono esclusivamente a favore del gruppo/artista che pubblica il brano!
RAT pedalini distorsori pedal distortion
giovedì 4 dicembre 2008
Il TG1 sei Tu Manda il tuo video: Rai come Youtube
“Il Tg1 non più solo da vedere, ma anche da fare. Proposte, idee, storie, commenti. Il tema dei filmati non ha limiti. Può essere una festa o una denuncia, un curioso momento personale o la condanna di un sopruso”, questo l’annuncio fatto oggi dalla RAI.
Se volete che i vostri video possano andare in onda occorre inviare una liberatoria via fax.
Se volete che i vostri video possano andare in onda occorre inviare una liberatoria via fax.
mercoledì 3 dicembre 2008
Il sito del chitarrista
Liste di discussione, articoli, recensioni di chitarre e strumentazione….
Il sito del chitarrista
Liste di discussione, articoli, recensioni di chitarre e strumentazione….
Accordo chitarrista
Monreale Rock Festival
GRAZIE a tutti per la disponibilità dimostrataci, il progetto “The Art’S festival”-rassegna dei giovani emergenti e il già rodato Monreale Rock Festival sono nati per dare un’opportunità di visibilità a chi non ce l’ha, quindi ottima vetrina per tutti coloro che vogliono parteciparvi.
sono aperte le iscrizioni per il 4° M.R.F. e del 2° “The Art’S Festival” basterà inviare richiesta di partecipazione alla nostra mail monrealerockfestival@hotm specificando a quale categoria si vuole partecipare (musica,teatro,fotografia,
tteratura,mosaico,ecc..)e vi verranno inviate bando e moduli per le iscrizioni da rispedirci compilati e completi di tutte le informazioni richieste.
Mi sembra abbastanza SEMPLICE.
Come sempre tutto è completamente gratuito (iscrizioni, selezioni e partecipazione) speriamo quest’anno visto il successo della scorsa edizione, di poter offrire qualcosa di più dell’anno scorso.
sono aperte le iscrizioni per il 4° M.R.F. e del 2° “The Art’S Festival” basterà inviare richiesta di partecipazione alla nostra mail monrealerockfestival@hotm specificando a quale categoria si vuole partecipare (musica,teatro,fotografia,
tteratura,mosaico,ecc..)e vi verranno inviate bando e moduli per le iscrizioni da rispedirci compilati e completi di tutte le informazioni richieste.
Mi sembra abbastanza SEMPLICE.
Come sempre tutto è completamente gratuito (iscrizioni, selezioni e partecipazione) speriamo quest’anno visto il successo della scorsa edizione, di poter offrire qualcosa di più dell’anno scorso.
12vda myspace webradio
Inizia un nuovo programma su 12vda webradio dedicato al mondo myspace: si può contribuire con un brano e un minuto di presentazione audio. Entro il mercoledì per andare in onda dal giovedì per una settimana, otto volte al giorno.
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Per Info:
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Per Info:
12vda myspace webradio iltrillo
Musica Controcorrente
Musica Controcorrente
Al via la 5^ EDIZIONE con il bando al MEI
Si sono aperte le iscrizioni al concorso Musica Controcorrente, giunto questâanno alla quinta edizione. Come nelle precedenti edizioni, anche questâanno il concorso è dedicato alla canzone dâautore. Con il patrocinio di IMAIE e A.F.I.), lâassociazione Musica ControCorrente invita tutti gli autori a partecipare alla selezione, il cui montepremi è fissato in 13.200 euro, divisi in diverse categorie. Tutte le info relative al bando di partecipazione le trovate sul sito ufficiale dellâassociazione a questo indirizzo
Al via la 5^ EDIZIONE con il bando al MEI
Si sono aperte le iscrizioni al concorso Musica Controcorrente, giunto questâanno alla quinta edizione. Come nelle precedenti edizioni, anche questâanno il concorso è dedicato alla canzone dâautore. Con il patrocinio di IMAIE e A.F.I.), lâassociazione Musica ControCorrente invita tutti gli autori a partecipare alla selezione, il cui montepremi è fissato in 13.200 euro, divisi in diverse categorie. Tutte le info relative al bando di partecipazione le trovate sul sito ufficiale dellâassociazione a questo indirizzo
Musica Controcorrente bando al MEI concorso
martedì 2 dicembre 2008
Zoom g2 Patches
Zoom g2 Patches Preset
Welcome to guitar effect patches for the zoom G2 and G2.1u
This site is made for sharing custom patches/presets for effect units. Feel free to submit your greatest patches.
If you have any comments or sugestions to this site use the suggestions forum.
Are you looking for a specific patch put a request here and hopefully someone will upload a patch for you.
Welcome to guitar effect patches for the zoom G2 and G2.1u
This site is made for sharing custom patches/presets for effect units. Feel free to submit your greatest patches.
If you have any comments or sugestions to this site use the suggestions forum.
Are you looking for a specific patch put a request here and hopefully someone will upload a patch for you.
zoom g2 patches preset patch g2.1u
New site video and demo. Electro-Harmonix
Electro-Harmonix | | Effect Pedals, Vacuum Tubes, Pro
New site video and demo (big muff fuzz…)
Sound and Vision
Back in 1968, guitar amps were intentionally engineered to keep players from experimenting with distorted sounds. We changed all that.
For 40 years we’ve been proud to contribute to many of the most famous recordings in music history. Our circuits won’t ever constrain the color of your sound; rather, they give you the freedom to find it.
Welcome to EHX, plug in and power up!
New site video and demo (big muff fuzz…)
Sound and Vision
Back in 1968, guitar amps were intentionally engineered to keep players from experimenting with distorted sounds. We changed all that.
For 40 years we’ve been proud to contribute to many of the most famous recordings in music history. Our circuits won’t ever constrain the color of your sound; rather, they give you the freedom to find it.
Welcome to EHX, plug in and power up!
Electro-Harmonix | | Effect Pedals,
Vacuum Tubes
lunedì 1 dicembre 2008
Siamo felici di lanciare il Nuovo Neesk. Come potete notare questa rappresenta la fine degli aggiornamenti globali del portale, che si arricchisce nei contenuti chitarristici e musicali, dando maggiore interattività all’utente. Le nuove necessità del Guitar Learning ci hanno portato ha cambiare completamente la vecchia struttura del portale.
domenica 30 novembre 2008
Raduno Nazionale MusicOff SMAS
Ti aspettiamo allo SMAS (Spoleto Musica agli Strumenti) di Spoleto il 6-7 Dicembre 2008 per la fiera e per il Raduno Nazionale di MusicOff.
Raduno Nazionale MusicOff SMAS
L’idea di fondo della manifestazione è quella di fare incontrare per un giorno, in un contesto reale e non più solo virtuale, persone o gruppi di persone che appartengono alle rete MySpace in Valle d’Aosta. Hai uno spazio su Myspace? Hai sempre voluto conoscere “nel mondo reale “ quella persona che tutti giorni vedi on line? Se non ti connetti almeno una volta al giorno provi un leggero malessere interiore? Senti l’assurda esigenza di far conoscere il tuo stato di umore a perfetti sconosciuti dall’altra parte del mondo? Sei un veterano di MySpace e ti piacerebbe essere premiato per questo? Utilizzi Facebook, e quindi di Myspace non ti interessa più di tanto, ma hai voglia di passare una giornata divertente in compagnia di altre persone ? Allora sei invitato a MuhuuSpace!!! IL PRIMO RADUNO VALDOSTANO DEL MONDO MYSPACE. Domenica 7 Dicembre dalle 15 fino a chiusura presso il Gekoo in Piazza Chanoux ad Aosta.
Per info:
L’idea di fondo della manifestazione è quella di fare incontrare per un giorno, in un contesto reale e non più solo virtuale, persone o gruppi di persone che appartengono alle rete MySpace in Valle d’Aosta. Hai uno spazio su Myspace? Hai sempre voluto conoscere “nel mondo reale “ quella persona che tutti giorni vedi on line? Se non ti connetti almeno una volta al giorno provi un leggero malessere interiore? Senti l’assurda esigenza di far conoscere il tuo stato di umore a perfetti sconosciuti dall’altra parte del mondo? Sei un veterano di MySpace e ti piacerebbe essere premiato per questo? Utilizzi Facebook, e quindi di Myspace non ti interessa più di tanto, ma hai voglia di passare una giornata divertente in compagnia di altre persone ? Allora sei invitato a MuhuuSpace!!! IL PRIMO RADUNO VALDOSTANO DEL MONDO MYSPACE. Domenica 7 Dicembre dalle 15 fino a chiusura presso il Gekoo in Piazza Chanoux ad Aosta.
Per info:
lunedì 24 novembre 2008
sabato 22 novembre 2008
martedì 18 novembre 2008
Jean Paul of Italy - band of the week!
Jean Paul of Italy - band of the week!
< Jean Paul Agnesod is the second Italian musician that I have featured as a band of the week. I am primarily amazed by his talent with the guitar. You simply have to go to his myspace and see how he has converted a beer keg into a reverb chamber that is connected to his Vox.
Not only is Jean Paul an amazing musician but he has written two books for those wanting to learn to play the guitar, "Guitar method Rock and Heavy" and "Guitar Method - Tapping and Hammer On" exercizes.
Check out this list of the gear he uses for his music:
My Gear - Guitars: Fender Stratocaster Mexico - Fender Stratocaster Japan - Squier Stratocaster Japan - Gibson Nighthawk - Pedals: Boss SD-1 - Boss DS-1 - Boss CH-1 - Boss DD-3 - Boss LS-2 - Visual Sound H2O - DOD 308 - Zoom G2 - Electro-Harmonix Metal Muff - Electro-Harmonix Big Muff - Proel Volume pedal - Excel EX-600 Wah wah pedal - Montani Looper - Amps: 2 Vox Cambridge 15w - Roland Jazz chorus JC-120 - Marshall Jcm900 Head with Cabinet 1960b 4x12
I only know what about a third of that stuff even is! Those of you who come to this page often know that I feature a wide variety of musicians and I think Jean Paul is truly one of a kind. Even if it is not your particular style, you have to admit the talent that this man possesses. I love it!
Visit his myspace, do a friend request, buy his CD. Enjoy!
"I am happy to tell you that you are my featured artist of the week. With only your music on my player, your pic surrounded by a scrolling marquee and a clickable link for people to buy you CD, I hope that more people in the United States become familiar with you. I also wrote a short blog about you. Feel free to come by and leave a comment on the page or the blog or both or whatever!
I am happy to showcase your amazing guitar skills! >
♪♪ GAYLA ♪♪
promoting good musicians in myspace"
< Jean Paul Agnesod is the second Italian musician that I have featured as a band of the week. I am primarily amazed by his talent with the guitar. You simply have to go to his myspace and see how he has converted a beer keg into a reverb chamber that is connected to his Vox.
Not only is Jean Paul an amazing musician but he has written two books for those wanting to learn to play the guitar, "Guitar method Rock and Heavy" and "Guitar Method - Tapping and Hammer On" exercizes.
Check out this list of the gear he uses for his music:
My Gear - Guitars: Fender Stratocaster Mexico - Fender Stratocaster Japan - Squier Stratocaster Japan - Gibson Nighthawk - Pedals: Boss SD-1 - Boss DS-1 - Boss CH-1 - Boss DD-3 - Boss LS-2 - Visual Sound H2O - DOD 308 - Zoom G2 - Electro-Harmonix Metal Muff - Electro-Harmonix Big Muff - Proel Volume pedal - Excel EX-600 Wah wah pedal - Montani Looper - Amps: 2 Vox Cambridge 15w - Roland Jazz chorus JC-120 - Marshall Jcm900 Head with Cabinet 1960b 4x12
I only know what about a third of that stuff even is! Those of you who come to this page often know that I feature a wide variety of musicians and I think Jean Paul is truly one of a kind. Even if it is not your particular style, you have to admit the talent that this man possesses. I love it!
Visit his myspace, do a friend request, buy his CD. Enjoy!
"I am happy to tell you that you are my featured artist of the week. With only your music on my player, your pic surrounded by a scrolling marquee and a clickable link for people to buy you CD, I hope that more people in the United States become familiar with you. I also wrote a short blog about you. Feel free to come by and leave a comment on the page or the blog or both or whatever!
I am happy to showcase your amazing guitar skills! >
♪♪ GAYLA ♪♪
promoting good musicians in myspace"
lunedì 17 novembre 2008
Second Hand Guitars 31
Second Hand Guitars 31 Il più grande guitar show a est di Manhattan Domenica 16 novembre 2008 Alcatraz + De Sade - via Valtellina 22 - Milano
E' stato Grandioso!!!!
Second Hand Guitars 31 Il più grande guitar show a est di Manhattan Domenica 16 novembre 2008 Alcatraz + De Sade - via Valtellina 22 - Milano
E' stato Grandioso!!!!
domenica 16 novembre 2008
Jean Paul Agnesod Rock on

Jean Paul Agnesod is a guitar player and composer: enjoy his style melodical, expressive and emotional. He writes and records his own instrumental CD, a work where he tastes different styles (Rock, Fusion, Progressive) with some pleasant guitar techniques (Tapping, sweep picking...) All songs are under copyright S.I.A.E. A few experience: - High specialisation course in Guitar player (Classical Italian Conservatory) - He has published methods for guitar, avalaible online. - Television experience in the Italian broadcasting corporation (RAI ), Mtv Italy, channel 5... - He plays guitar instruments in many different rock-bands: Section 9, Vasca Rossa, Nameless, Diesirae, Veterani, Jolly Roger's Band... ‘Cause… I like the great rock !!! Voice to the guitar! NOW!!! Rock on! Forever Jean Paul
Jean Paul Agnesod is a guitar player and composer: enjoy his style melodical, expressive and emotional. He writes and records his own instrumental CD, a work where he tastes different styles (Rock, Fusion, Progressive) with some pleasant guitar techniques (Tapping, sweep picking...) All songs are under copyright S.I.A.E. A few experience: - High specialisation course in Guitar player (Classical Italian Conservatory) - He has published methods for guitar, avalaible online. - Television experience in the Italian broadcasting corporation (RAI ), Mtv Italy, channel 5... - He plays guitar instruments in many different rock-bands: Section 9, Vasca Rossa, Nameless, Diesirae, Veterani, Jolly Roger's Band... ‘Cause… I like the great rock !!! Voice to the guitar! NOW!!! Rock on! Forever Jean Paul
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